DISCLAIMER: "The Wiggety" is not intended for people who are easily offended by the following: naughty language, poopy talk, farts, chewing with your mouth open, farts, freedom of speech, insults directed at you, direct digs at your mother or guardian, the truth, tasteless poetry, discussions of ass, me, long-winded speeches on uninteresting subjects, farts, pretty colors, vanity license plates, beatmasters, fromunda cheese (yeah, you know from under where!), farts, donkey punching, dirty sanchez's, farts, blumpkins, use of the word "condyloma" (look it up), white people who like hip-hop, farts, gas, farts, windy-pops, farts, and farts. Especially farts 'cause they're funny and I talk about them a lot. Did you ever let one go right in public, like on a bus or a train and have everyone look around at who did it then walk away slowly and watch them all cringe? HA! That's great...well, at least there's no porn here...not yet anyway...if you agree to not be offended by the list above (plus a few more that would probably make you puke) then you may...